Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2019

Indictment of two syrian intelligence operatives in Germany

The Public Prosecutor of Germany has finished the bill of indictment against the two syrian intelligence operatives who were arrested in February in Berlin and Zweibrücken.

Anwar Raslan head of unit 215 of the general branch of syrian intelligence service is indicted for crimes agains humanity, rape and sexual assault.
Eyad al-Gharib who served in a subordinate branch of the same unit 215 is indicted for abetment of crimes against humanity.
Both defendants are in pretrial detention.

The bill of indictment is adressed to the state security senate of the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz waiting for admission.

See more info in the page of Public Prosecutor of Germany:


See also:



Montag, 28. Oktober 2019

Assad's journalist mouthpieces

Subsequent to the article about Nir Rosen Matt Johnson draws an interesting psychological profile of american journalist Max Blumenthaln in "Quillette": 

"This is the warped narrative Blumenthal peddled before, during, and after his trip to Syria: Forget about the Assad regime’s massacres of protesters and chemical attacks on children. Forget about the torture, rapes, and abductions. Forget about the Syrian Air Force’s joint operations with Russia, indiscriminate bombings of civilian areas, and the wanton destruction of hospitals, health clinics, and schools in Aleppo. The “dirty war” is always “imposed” on the regime from the outside, and Assad is just doing what any besieged leader would do—fighting back. This is why Blumenthal refers to the towns Assad has recaptured as “liberated”—an interesting way to describe territory and people back in the hands of a dictator who has slaughtered tens of thousands of his compatriots, and whose family has ruled Syria for half a century."

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:


Montag, 14. Oktober 2019

Impending trial against Bachar's uncle Rifaat in France

French financial prosecutors have completed their investigations against Rifaat Al-Assad and transmitted the bill of indictment to the court. Rifaat who fled Syria in 1984 after an attempted coup against his brother Hafez and left Syria definitely in 1998 lives in Paris since then and has aquired a vast empire of property in Europe. 
He is accused of embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering.


Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2019

Limburg truck-terrorist is former SAA soldier

Syrian man Omar A., who went on a failed truck-rampage in Limburg on october 7 2019 injuring eight, is a former solder of Syrian Arab Army reveals german newspaper BILD:

"Der Amok-Fahrer kam 2015 aus dem Bürgerkrieg nach Deutschland, lebte zuerst in einer Unterkunft in Marburg. BILD sprach mit Verwandten des Angreifers.

He left Syria 2014 and came to Germany in 2015. He had also previous criminal investigations for drug related offenses and for molesting a 16 year old girl.

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:


Freitag, 4. Oktober 2019

The profiteers of the war in Syria

A glance at the men who became wealthy during the 8-year war in Syria:

“There is a new class of wealthy war traders,” said Mazen, an Aleppo businessman from an old industrial family. The old guard call these people “new faces”. “We don’t know how they make money,” he continued. “Sometimes we ask ourselves if we’re in the wrong business.”
These individuals have made fortunes picking clean the carcass of the country’s economy. From melting down steel ripped from its shattered cities to brokering oil deals forbidden under international sanctions, to selling hotel rooms to aid workers, following the money leads us into the dark dealings of today’s Syria.
Their dramatic rise to fortune has also helped the regime to survive by keeping trade going, oil flowing and helping to fund pro-regime militias, even as the country lies in ruins around them."

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:
